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Posts tagged “Bailey

Coney Island Colorado

On my recent road trip to take photographs of Great Sand Dunes National Park, I was so excited to get there that nothing was going to stop me on the drive, save for bathroom breaks. That is, until I drove past Coney Island Colorado!

Coney Island Colorado - Historic Roadside Hot Dog Stand in Bailey












I say “drove past” Coney Island Colorado because, at first, my resolve to go directly to Great Sand Dunes without any stops but bathroom breaks was extremely strong, so I didn’t stop. But each tenth of a mile I drove beyond this adorable roadside attraction, the more that the following two thoughts melted my resolve… (more…)

"As Seen by Janine: Eyes of the World Images Photo Blog"  by Janine Fugere. 

Come take a look at the world "As Seen by Janine." 

My cameras and lenses are my "Eyes of the World."  Please enjoy the view! 

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