Handheld HDR Photos
I have been very happily practicing with a handheld HDR technique I recently learned from a tutorial by Uwe Steinmueller. This photo, Wildflower Bouquet Arranged by Mother Nature, is a handheld HDR I’ve created using the technique:
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a strong advocate of tripod use, even when not making HDRs with combined exposures. (more…)
Alternative HDR Technique: Guest Blogger Tutorial by James Woody
As promised, I am happy to present the first ever Guest Blogger post on As Seen by Janine’s Photo Blog. James Woody, a photographer from Houston, explains in detail an alternative HDR technique which enables the creation of a multi-exposure HDR photograph from a single exposure. (more…)
Alternative HDR Technique: Coming Soon!
I love to make HDR (High Dynamic Range) photographs. If you didn’t catch my earlier post about why I love HDR so much, click here to read HDR Photos: Capturing the Elusive Sweet Dulcinea.
HDR photographs are processed using at least three bracketed exposures of the same shot: one shot for the metered exposure, one for the shadows, and one for the highlights. At times, there can be many more exposures, depending on how much range of contrast is in the scene. I’ve made HDR shots with as many as ten combined exposures in one stop increments. However, it is not always practical to take multiple exposures, or even if it is, the subject may be in motion due to wind or movement of the subject itself. (more…)
HDR Photos: Capturing the Elusive Sweet Dulcinea
High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography is like finding a way to make a portrait of the elusive, sweet Dulcinea. If you don’t know, Dulcinea was a fictional character who was the true love of Don Quixote and she was astonishingly beautiful to him. Don Quixote could see Dulcinea vividly in his imagination and describe her sweet beauty in great detail, despite only ever having been able to experience fleeting glimpses of her in real life. (more…)